
The Night Market

Friday night, in the city of Vancouver, the Explore students were all, for some reason, very excited. Most of them were already pumped for the trip to Victoria, but others were just thrilled to be seeing something new. After two hours of public transportation (the bus drivers were not in a good mood that day) we finally arrived at the Richmond Night Market.
Dès notre arrivée au Marché, nos sens ont été incroyablement stimulés et émerveillés par les lumières, la musique, et les arômes. Cet amalgame de sens nous transporta littérairement dans un autre univers où les files d’attente sont une chose courante. Le marché est constitué de plusieurs parties, ce qui permet de se retrouver rapidement dans la marée d’individus. Vous pourrez acheter des biens matériaux tels que des vêtements et des gadjets éléctroniques. Ensuite, au centre du marché, se trouvait une scène de spectacle où des groupes de musique pouvait jouer.
One of the best parts of the market was the huge food court. We stayed most of our time in this section because they were so many new things to taste. Not everybody enjoyed this new experience, however, so they decided to spend the rest of the evening eating ice cream and frozen yoghurt at the nearby IKEA.
People, if you like Asian treats, do not miss the Saturday Night Market (go later in the evening because the prices drop) and you will enjoy the experience of late-night dim sum and bubble tea. 


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