
The Old Spaghetti Factory

As you can probably guess, this restaurant serves up a selection of Italian food akin to most other Canadian-Italian restaurants that you have likely been to; specializing in Pasta, and other dishes all involving some sort of noodles. The food was pretty good but most people go there for the experience and for the large quantities. With every meal comes garlic bread, your choice of salad, an entrée, and a small scoop of Neapolitan ice cream to finish off the meal. The drink list was large including a hefty selection of wine to suit the different main courses. The group that went was over 50 strong and received service as if it were a group of 4.

The restaurant is located in Gastown; the heart of old Vancouver, and the ambiance reflects the heritage of the neighborhood, including an ancient rail-car in the middle of the restaurant. The price of the meals ranged from $10-$20, which is quite reasonable considering all the food you get. Not the best Italian food in Vancouver but also far from the worst. The Old Spaghetti Factory is a great place for a large group to go, have a glass of wine, and enjoy Gastown, the restaurant, and the company of each other. And after you eat way too much, the neighborhood is a great place to explore and work off some of those extra calories that your body didn’t need.

The restaurant was rated 7.5/10.

by Brent, Neda, Catherine, and Matheau

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