
A Bright Day at Lighthouse Park

  Explore students could hardly believe their eyes on Saturday morning when they realized just how sunny it was outside. The weather was perfect for an expedition to Lighthouse Park, an oasis of nature and peace in the otherwise-urban West Vancouver. After an hour-long bus ride and an enjoyable walk through what used to be an old growth forest, our group reached the beautiful and rocky shoreline.
      La température idéale a permis aux étudiants de se prélasser un bon moment sous le soleil; la brise marine les rafraîchissant lorsqu’ils avaient trop chaud. L’attraction principale de Lighthouse Park étant bien évidemment le phare ancien qui trône sur la côte. Il est dommage que ce dernier soit fermé au public. Néanmoins, le paysage, que les élèves ont pu admirer, vaut sans aucun doute le détour.

      A free activity with a relaxed atmosphere, Lighthouse Park was definitely enjoyed by all present. True hikers will enjoy some of the more challenging trails, while nature-lovers will be swayed by the old forest’s vegetation and charm. The trip to Lighthouse Park should definitely be repeated by Explore students in years to come, and a recommendation for them would be to bring food to enjoy a picnic by the ocean. Obviously, the activity could have turned out quite differently if it had rained, seeing as muddy trails and a stormy sky would have made for a much less enjoyable day. Our advice is then to definitely check out Lighthouse Park, and cross your fingers for sunshine!

Mario-Pierre G. 

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