
Urban Speak! Translation from formal English to Spoken English

Urban Speak is a workshop that introduces people to the "real" English language. By this, I mean the English that is heard spoken on the street, in social contexts, and in the media. The Anglophones play a major role in brainstorming words and in each class, new words are used in exercises that contextualize them.  One such exercise was the translation of a small text from formal English, into slang English. The results are the following.

Last night I was with some friends and at my apartment and we were having a couple drinks. After our third bottle of wine, one of the women in the room, who was quite inebriated, suggested going out on the town. My wife and I accepted the invitation and we all proceeded to make our way to a lounge where we met up with some more acquaintances. The lounge was full of very attractive men and women who had all had their fair share of alcohol. At the end of the evening, our group, along with some new friends decided to have a nightcap at a friend’s condo. Our walk was interesting as we were all under the influence. Therefore it took us a long time. All in all, the night was a success but we all woke up feeling the effects of our night’s consumption.

Last night, I was hangin wit my posse, drinking it up at my pad. One of the foxy ladies (who was two sheets to the wind) wanted to get on the go. Me and da missus decided to go and meet up wit our peeps at da pub. Da pub was really happenin', jumpin' wit some pretty fine gals and guys who were all hammered. Da pub's  music soon got really lame, and wit our new peeps, we jetted to a friend's. Our walk home was rather wild and crazy 'cause we were so crunked! Ya, our night was pretty dope, but we spent most of the next morning riding the porcelain train.

My two colleagues and I, after work, decided to go out for happy hour. We decided to go to a casual establishment down the street. Upon arrival, we found the establishment to be quite empty. My friend bought the first round and we began talking. Our discussion became animated, and one round led to several. We quickly became inebriated and noticed a group of attractive young women in the corner as the place filled up. My colleague stumbled over to their table and began chatting with them. He brought them back to our table and we continued to order drinks. Already under the influence, I was afraid of making an inexcusable mistake and promptly left the establishment, called my girlfriend and returned home.

My two buddies and I, after work, decided to head out for drinks. We decided to go to a pub down the street. The pub was dead and my homie bought the first round and we began talking, we got excited and were tanked pretty soon. We noticed a group of foxy ladies in the corner as the place came to life. My bro stumbled over to their table to hit on them. He hooked up with them and we continued heading to the waste land. Already tanked, I was afraid of making a fool of myself. I jetted out, called my sweetcake and returned to my box.

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