
Classe 3: Programme Francais

Roderick is 26 years old and he lives in Calgary and Montréal. He enrolled in the Explore program to learn french. In his five weeks of the program, Roderick saw someone walk into a lamppost. He made friend with Cora, Nicole, Kori, Elisabeth and Neda. His guilty pleasure is Sarah Palin and is favorite phrase in french is “Ben coudon!”.

Corazane is 22 years old and she lives in Ottawa. In her five weeks in the program and Vancouver the funniest thing that happened to her was sock wars. She was killed because she was drooling on a couch. She made friend with Teesha,Patricia, Chantal, Nicole and her guilty pleasure is shopping. Ohh, fresh salmon sashimi is her favourite Vancouver food.

Michael is 31 and he comes from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. He feels that his grammatical French has improved. He also thinks that pizza is the best Vancouver food.

Aly was born in Vancouver but lives actually in Toronto. He’s 19 years old. The favorite food he experienced in Vancouver came from the SUB. He made a lot friends during the Explore program like Keltie, Anissa, Allisha, Hossein “Prince”, Adam, Abdul and Jessica. His guilty pleasure is Megan Fox and his favorite phrase in french is “ C’ta poile que je te veux”.

Melissa comes from Newfoundland she’s 24 years old. She feels that her French has really improved thanks to explore program. Her guilty pleasure his reading late at night with hot chocolate. The funniest thing that happened to her in Vancouver was when she got lost in East Hastings and ended up on the bus for 4.5 hours. The favorite food she experienced in Vancouver were the nachos at Foundation restaurant on Main street.

Kori comes from Calgary and he's 24 years old. He’s guilty pleasure is partying and champagne. In his five weeks of the program, Kori made a lot of friends but Roderick, Éli, Sitech, Corazane, Neda, Jean-Micheal and Pascale belong to his posse. He isn’t sure of his favorite food in Vancouver, but he loves Sushi and the food from Coast Restaurant.

Cassandre was born in Surrey but now she lives in Montréal, she is 21 years old and loves to say: “Ça m’énerve”. She also thinks that her listening skills in French have improved, thanks to the explore program. Her guilty pleasure is junk food but sushi is her favorite Vancouver food. In her five weeks in Vancouver, Cassandre met a lot of people and did a lot of stuff. However, performing a rap in her work shop was the funniest thing that happened to her. Maya, Aly, Lydia, Anita, Anna and Anissa are the sickest people she met in the explore program.

Maya is 24 years old she comes from Winnipeg. Her guilty pleasure is coffee - she actually drinks coffee in the morning, evening and at night. Her favorite sentence in french is “J’aime tu, ma petite chou." She doesn’t know what it means but it’s cool. Nothing funny happened to her and sushi is her favorite Vancouver Food. To conclude, Cassandre, Mary Kate and Melissa are in her posse.

Anna K. is 20 years old she lives in Toronto. Her guilty pleasure is chocolate but her favorite Vancouver food is sushi. She thinks that the funniest thing that happened in Vancouver is went her friends locked themselves in their room. Finally “enchanté!” is her favorite word in French.

Nicole is 19, she lives in Leanington, Ontario and she have in her posse Scott- “A-Dubs”-MacDonald, Chris- “Kicker”- Thomas and Herself aka Nicole- “BMO”- Torres. Her guilty pleasure is to listen to ABBA. She thinks that the funniest thing that happened in Vancouver was the writing and the preforming in English by the francophones. Megabite was her favorite Vancouver Food. Finally, “Ma t’en calicer une!!” is Nicole’s favorite French sentence.

Wen Shuo currently lives in Montréal. She thinks that her French has improved a lot thanks to the program. She also made some new friend like Nancy but she considers everyone in the program to be her friend. Sock wars was the funniest thing that happen to her because she needed to "kill" her best friend, Nancy. To conclude, Shuo really enjoyed the pizza, sushi and the frozen yogurt from Vancouver.

Anita’s guilty pleasure is listening to Justin Bieber’s song “Baby”. The funniest thing that’s happened to her in Vancouver is having nudists cheer her on as she was jogging along Wreck Beach. Her best friend from the program is Jennifer Kogan and her favorite French expression is “Allons-y”!

Mary Kate is 24 years old and comes from Upper Randon, Nova Scotia. Her guilty pleasure is reality televison. Her best friends in the program are her fellow Nova Scotians, Hillary and Shauna. The funniest thing that happened to her in Vancouver was when she went hiking up the Grouse Grind and fell from a rock after taking of photo on it. To conclude, “donc” is her favorite world in french because of the way it sounds.

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