
More Than Just a Library: Vancouver Public Library

Vancouver Public Library is the second busiest public library system in Canada. The Library offers many different materials, which you can find in 14 different languages in addition to English and French. This is interesting for visitors to Vancouver - it allows them to stay connected to their native language.

Internet Access:
Internet and wireless access are available at all Library Locations. You just need a Library card or Internet Access card.

Location and hours:
The Vancouver Public Library is located in Vancouver Downtown in Library Square which occupies a full city block: bounded by Homer, Hamilton, Robson and Georgia Streets. (302 - 345 Robson Street)

From UBC: You take the #17 bus to Robson and Seymour.

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10am-9pm
Friday- Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 12pm-5pm

Phone: 604-331-3603
E-mail: info@vpl.ca

Gift Shop, restaurants and more…
The Vancouver Public Library is more than a library. It looks like a tourist spot. It’s a big building where you can find some little shop, coffee shop, restaurant and florist. For example, one of the best stores in this place is the book’mark. This store is located on the second level at the Vancouver Public Library. They offer a variety of unique gifts and stationary products. The most interesting thing about the book’mark store is that all profits of this store support the Library acquisition and programs at all branches of the Vancouver Public Library.

More than a library:
In 2009, The library Board Chair decided to listen the community. With all the feedback they've received, it’s now more than a Library, it's an important actor in the community.

Main goals of the strategic plan:
1. Social inclusion
2. Innovation
3. Environmental responsibility
4. Life long learning.

Here are some concrete creations in order to materialize this plan.
  • Make it easier for staffs and visitors to secure their bicycle when they visiting the Central Library.
  • To strengthen the Library service to socially excluded and/or vulnerable people.
  • To enhance the Library's critical role in the differences people life in the community where it has the most benefit.
  • To enhance online services.

Effectively, when we went inside the library, we were able to see that it seems to be a place well-stocked.

Vancouver Library Square
This library is a must-see in Vancouver. The architect Moshe Safdie designed the architecture of this complex. It is called a square because it occupies a complete city block and four streets border it: Hamilton, Homer, Robson and West Georgia. The square consists of the Vancouver public Library and many federal Government offices. At first sight, you will not think that it is a library, because of its size and shape. It is truly huge but not too high, and the shape of it is kind of a big ring or a circle.

The color of the building is light brown and reflects well with the sun or the rain. You will notice the wideness of the windows, because by looking at them you will see the people inside studying, talking or doing something. The complex is really similar of the Coliseum of Rome. You can see similar features like the windows and the area. It is calm amongst the crowd of people and birds. It gives you the feeling of being in Italy and not in Vancouver. It is a tourist attraction because of its uniqueness.

Our reporters: Louis-Phillipe, Gloria and Sarah-Emilie.

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