
Clever way to visit Victoria!

During the weekend of June 5th, a group of around 90 Explore participants went to visit the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island. Fortunately, Saturday was such a sunny and nice day in that part of Canada. The purpose was to see a lot of things in a short amount of time - the key was to move fast. With that in mind, a couple of us decided to rent scooters to ride around the town and take in some fresh salty air with friends. There are several rental shops near downtown Victoria and we choose the one closest to the Harbor tower hotel, which is where we stayed for the night. We paid $20 for an hour and that included the gas and the helmet.

During that hour, we started our trip in the James Bay district where we reached the Dallas road - a beautiful coastal road where we had the chance to see an amazing view of the Juan de Fuca Strait. Continuing down that road we drove until the Victoria Golf Course where we returned in the direction of the rental shop thorugh smaller streets to see the neighbourhood of Rockland.

Unanimously, our small group of friends found the region amazing, particularly for the quality of life and the beauty of the view on the coast. Futhermore, it’s always cool to hang around on Scooter with some good friends. We can say that’s a clever way to visit Victoria and a one hour tour was definitely not enough. Next time we’ll rent for longer to see more of this marvelous Island.
Pascal Lapointe

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