
The Party Boat Cruise

On the 26th of May, the Explore Program took a boat cruise on the SS Abitibi in False Creek. On the boat, we danced while others listened to the music, we drank, we ate, we met new people, and we took great pictures of the city from the deck.

However, it was freezing up there with the cold wind blowing in our faces. Unfortunately, we were not provided with blankets. Furthermore, there were very few seats so many people had to stand. It would have been better if the alcohol had been less expensive. Few people could afford it. However, if we could have brought our own drinks on the ship the problem would have been solved. Another not so amusing point was the strip search which was more intensive for the boys than for the girls (luckily).

For next year’s explore students, we recommend warm clothes, blankets, and more cash in their pockets. Though overall, it was fun especially because the 2 groups (French and English) had the chance to dance side by side. This activity should definitely be kept.

Written by: Rachel, Adam, Hussein, Pascal, Stephanie

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