
Interview with Pascal

Written by Adam on June 4, 2010

Education: Pascal completed his B.SC in Biology at the University of Montreal a few years ago. Presently, he is studying at the University of Sherbrooke where he is pursuing a Masters Degree in International Ecology. Pascal has a profound and unique fascination with the environment, especially the conservation of species and ecosystems. This interest in the environment was apparent when Pascal was a child, but he became especially aware of environmental issues due to his past occupation in the construction industry. It was in the construction field where Pascal saw the vast amount of waste and the little efforts at preserving the environment by money hungry construction companies. He thought it was sad, and he wanted to do his part to change the world so he decided to shape his life around the environment. 

Work:Pascal worked as a construction labourer fixing ventilation in places like schools and apartment buildings. Although the job paid very well, it was disastrous to his health, especially due to the vast amounts of dust in the air. There was also little safety precautions taken; in fact, Pascal once fell off a scaffolding and hurt his back, while resulted in a concussion and a paid vacation. He worked for this company for five years, getting up at 5:30 in the morning and working from 7-3 everyday. He misses it sometimes, but he likes what he is doing in school so it is in the past.

Religion: Pascal does not believe in marriage. He believes it is something the Catholic Church has put in place to bind individuals together when he does not feel it is necessary. While being brought up and baptized Catholic, Pascal would like to sever ties to the Catholic institution, one he feels has changed for the worse over time. In his humble opinion, to be consistent with his beliefs it is necessary for him to leave the Catholic church; there are one billion Catholics in the world and Pascal does not want to be a part of it anymore. He does not believe in Creation, he believes in Evolution.

Family: Pascal grew up in Terrebonne, a suburb of Montreal, to a fully Quebecer family. Pascal, 32, is the son of Francois and Marjolaine, 53 and 52 respectively, and the brother of his sister, Julie, 30. His father is a repairman; his mother is a waitress at a golf caregiver for the elderly; and his sister works in the insurance field. When he was 21 Pascal moved out of his home to live with his former girlfriend; unfortunately, he went to university and things did not work out. However, Pascal found another companion, Kim, who he has been dating and living together for a year. While away on explore, he has been communicating via Skype, but he misses and loves her dearly. As of the present, Pascal does not have any children, but it remains to be seen what will happen in the future.

Hobbies: As for his hobbies, Pascal enjoys many doing many things in his spare time. He likes going to the movies; his favourites are Burn After Reading, Fight Club, The Dark Knight and C.R.A.Z.Y.. He also enjoys reading; he especially likes detective novels and long essays, with his favourite authors including the likes of Kondera and Lanoblon. He loves music too; his favourite artists are The XX, Radiohead and Bob Marley. His love of music stemmed from his teenage years; when he was 15 he went to his first concert, seeing the infamous Nirvana in their last ever Montreal show. Finally, Pascal is an advid kickboxer; his favourite mixed martial artist is of course none other than Quebec’s favourite son, Georges St. Pierre. 

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