
People on Campus

Nelson est un étudiant de droit ici à UBC. Il a précédemment étudié à l’université de la Saskatchewan, mais admet préférer la température plus douce de Vancouver et considère UBC comme étant supérieure. Il aime particulièrement sa faculté et le mode de vie qui vient avec. Sur le campus, il recommande le jardin de roses pour étudier, Mahony’s pour la bière et le Pit Pub pour faire la fête. Ayant déjà fait une immersion française, Nelson est fluent dans la langue de Molière.

Jean-Paul est un pigeon très particulier. Originaire de Surrey, Ontario, il migre à Vancouver tous les étés pour profiter du climat côtier. Jean-Paul passe la plupart de son temps dans le Student Union Building (voir photo), et les seuls mots de français qu’il connait sont “pâté chinois”.

Wing is a janitor at the University of British Columbia SUB Building. Every lunch we see him in the cafeteria with a smile on his face and we were really excited to interview him. He was born in Hong Kong and has been working at UBC since 1981. He tells us that he really loves the city of Vancouver and the people are incredibly nice! When asked him what he can say in French, he replied “Merci beaucoup!”

Jess, Kristie et Jackie sont originaires de Vancouver et étudient en Biochimie et en Chimie à UBC. Ces amis de longue date apprécient le campus pour ses espaces verts. Cependant, malgré le fait qu’ils étudient à UBC, ils ne connaissent pas trop le campus. Donc, quand ont leur a demandé quelle était le meilleur endroit pour relaxer, la réponse fut de longs regards perplexes de la part des trois acolytes. Toutefois, après les avoir incité à répondre, le Pit Pub, la bibliothèque et le Jardin des Roses furent nommés. Finalement, quand nous avons demandé s’ils savaient quelques mots en français, une phrase sortit de la bouche des trois étudiants : “Comment ca va?”.

Jeff, Jamie, Terry and Ivan are currently studying at UBC. We met them in front of the Irving library and they were very happy to be interviewed. They are all majoring in different areas, Jeff in Nutrition, Terry in International Relations, Ivan in Genetics and Jamie is undecided. The reasons that made them choose to study at UBC are the reputation of the university worldwide, the remarkable campus and the friendly people that they meet daily. They were adorable when we asked them to speak French. Ivan knows the word “fromage’’, Terry exclaimed “Bonjour ‘while Jeff said the infamous greeting: ‘’Comment ça va?’. We were very proud of Jamie when we learned that she was fluent in French. She has already been to Montréal and is in love with the city.

Tom Bittner is an Art Studies professor at University of British Columbia. He has been with this university for four years and his wife is also a professor at this school. He is originally from California and believes that Vancouver is very similar to his hometown. He has had previous experience teaching at other universities. However, he finds that he has so far enjoyed his experience with UBC because of its beautiful campus, wide space, connections between faculties, etc. When we asked him what he could say in French, he replied with “Bonjour,” “Comment allez-vous?, “ and “Fromage!”

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