
Groupe 1: Programme Francais

Kailey’s best friend in the program is William Burton. Her dream is to be able to speak French fluently. Her favourite word in French is étrange and her guilty pleasure is candy.

Jennifer's favourite word in French is "Bof!" Her dream is to live in Europe and her guilty pleasure is cheesecake.

Shira’s dream is to travel into space. Her favorite word in french is "turlatutu!" and her guilty pleasure is cheesecake.

Alisha's dream is to be an artist who speaks french very well. The funniest thing that happened to her is everything that has to do with Hossein. Her favourite word in French is "Étrange."

lissa’s dream is to be able to spend time travelling and working all around the world. Her guilty pleasure is working with nature and her favourite phrase in French is "Comment dit-on?"

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