
My impressions of Vancouver

Dear Jacques Cartier,

Even before I arrived in Vancouver, I had a good impression of the city. I heard many good things about this beautiful town. We always see Vancouver as a peaceful city. However, Vancouver is also an energetic city that has many events and many shows. So, this town has many faces. Each person that comes to Vancouver finds what they want. That’s what happened with me. Before coming here, I wanted a change from Montreal. In my mind, Vancouver was the perfect destination in Canada to relax and to change the boring routine of every day.

Many other students like me will tell you that the weather is really bad, because it’s always raining. Nevertheless, it’s relative to their objective. If someone wanted to spend all day at the beach and get back to Montreal with a tan, I don't think he will be happy this year. For me, Vancouver's "bad" weather is perfect for relaxing and experiencing a change from Montreal. When it rains, it creates a calm ambiance in the city -perfect for relaxation.

Otherwise, people in Vancouver are really nice and likeable. They are usually quiet and peaceful. They seem to like their lives, even if they do simple things each day. For example, a Vancouver bus driver will seem really content just driving his bus. In Montreal, I feel that there is a certain pressure on the shoulders of the community. When you take the subway during rush hour, you feel that people are tired and bored of their life. However, in Vancouver we don’t have the same feeling. Consequently, the relaxed ambiance and the happiness of Vancouverites has given me a good impression of this amazing city.

Thanks for listening to me Jacques,

Lotfi K.

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