
Victoria WAX Museum

On the Second weekend of the Explore program we travel to Victoria Island in BC. We visited many places. One of the best places we visited in there was the Wax Museum. The cost of entrance to Wax museum was 10 dollars for student which is pretty reasonable price compare to what they watch.

Once entering the museum, you will be able to see many famous faces. They are many Wax figures inside the Wax Museum and the wax figures look amazingly real to the original character. I saw many famous characters such as Albert Einstein, Hitler, Super Man, Queen Elizabeth, and Obama. I was able to see some characters that I have heard of them but never seen them. Also, there were many figures from the WWII which shows how people were tortured and treated during those times which is very biennial I think. Although, I enjoyed it, I don’t think some part of the museum is made for children. There were many Walt Disney characters which reminded me of my childhood such as Snow white, Red hat and many other Walt Disney Characters which I grew up with. I had lots of fun there and took lots of unforgettable photos with my favorite characters.  In my Opinion everyone has to visit the wax museum in Victoria they will have lots of fun and they will enjoy watching those was figures.

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